To change the World begins when humanity understands and seeks to help a fellow brethren . A few hearts strive to reach the saving humanity.Dr . Ibrahim Djibrine Kadjiam is  an outstanding humanitarian for whom has led down his life along site others to reach the cry of those in need of help and assistance. " ...i have given my life to God to serve Him through rendering of selfless service to humanity" . Who am i ?

Prince Dr. Djibrine Ibrahim  Kadjiam, was born to the family of Ibrahim Kadjiam in N’Djamena-Tchad on 16th August, 1961 in Chad. He is the Grand-son of the King of Baguirmi (MASSENIA).
 He obtained his primary leaving certificate in Ecole Paris-Congo II(N’Djamena-Tchad) from 1967 – 1972. He proceeded to the Secondary School leaving Certificate in Lycee Felix Eboue (N’Djamena-Tchad) in Combined Military Students School from 1972 – 1978.
He read Medecine in the University of Cairo, Egypt from 1978 – 1985 where he obtained the MBBS qualification.
He has held positions in different areas of endeavour including but not limited to: Officer, Medical Dorctor’s Military Hospital,  the Presidency, N’Djamena-Tchad from 1986-1990, Personal Physician to the President from 1991 – 1992, Political offices held include the Minister of Health, Minister of Transport and Aviations, Acting Minister of Defence, Executive Governor of Sarh, Candidate for the post of the Prime Minister of the Transitional Council after the convention of National Congress in N’Djamena-Tchad, from January to April- 1993.
Among other achievements, he is President and founder of the Medecins Aux Tours de la Terre (Doctors around the Earth) from the 8th of August, 2014 till date. Is a non-governmental Organization.

                                 Interview with  Prince Dr. Djibrine Ibrahim Kadjiam


Re ; Medecins Aux de la Terre translates to English as , Doctors around the Earth. Its a group of African Doctors, include military Doctors retired from the service of the army, Cardiologists, Surgeons, Gynecologists, Pharmacists, Laboratories, Nurses and Midwives, Technicians and Logistics Experts, Scientists, Sanitation and Water Engineers, Administrators, and other related support staff.

So What the Main Inspiration or Vision Setting Up this Structure? 
Re; Hmmm, We Took upon the initiative that we are competent and must not only wait for the Western Nations and Eastern Nations to run in aid of African when even Humanitarian Crises arrive; like Ebola Outbreak if you may know , we were the first African International Organization to set foot in the site attending to Sierra Leone,Liberia and Guinea. We also played a chief role at the Borno State IDPs Camp in Nigeria and many other Refugees and Asylum Seekers Livelihood Support.

So is Your Vision and Objective based on Africa Only?
Re; No, our ambition is to cover all the world. You Know help has no boundary and we are all brethren, no matter the color or faith.  We are everywhere that's what i will say.

What is your relationship with other Humanitarian Organization in the World?
Re; We have quite a good relationship with a UNHCR,WHO,NCFRMI for now but we are looking forward reaching all the rest Organizations.

What Challenges is MEDECINS AUX TOURS DE LA TERRE facings as regards its functioning?
Re; As a new branding Organization  foundered on the 8th of August 2014 , we are trying to meet up with the focus but appreciate external supports from well wisher, volunteers and Philanthropist who have stood behind us this far. My great thanks goes to ; UNHCR Abuja-Nigeria, WHO Abuja-Nigeria, NCFRMI Abuja-Nigeria, Alh. Abubakar Atiku (Former Vice  President of Nigeria), Alh. Aliyu Dangote , TY Danjuma Groups, Gen. Yakubu Gowon Foundation and many others.

Most of your supporters are Centered around Nigeria. Is it a Country of Interest to the Organization?
Re; No, i said early we started just a year ago and i don't think our  first project happen in Nigeria. We are covering the 36 states in Nigeria and reaching the world at the same time. I don't think we can turn away our backs if our concern is needed anyway and we are ready for it.

How do you Intern to reach the entire world while covering the whole of Nigeria? Hope you know Nigeria is a  big Country in terms of population?
Re; Yes, our functioning extends abroad to every volunteer person or group who have our vision to help humanity. Its a campaign that carries everyone along and for the short instance being on this campaign we have seen progress , so its not thoughtful for me to say that's our goal.
I will also add that, we envision reaching South Sudan, Somalia ,Central Africa Republic and any place which we have jotted as a point of immediate concern in Africa.
Not leaving out the rest of the world in our plan out discussion, you will soon fine us in Asia (Afghanistan) and middle East (Yemen,Syria,Iraq,Gaza,etc) attending on Health Issues ,Refugees, Displaced Persons and especially the Women,Children and Old.

It seems like in the mention areas we have already Humanitarian Groups Operating like, Physicians across the Continent, Doctors without borders,World Doctors, Worldwide Doctors,International Red Cross and others. How will you relate your activity if you are focus on the same campaign the envision.  
Re; I like that point because its easier since many hand do work easy. We can participate in any Campaign be in Europe,West in America ,South-East Asia  , no matter the place. Team work is what we believe much in .

What's the Organization working on Presently ?
Re; This beginning 1st January 2016 to 31st December 2016 we have as main project to attain the health challenge of the IDPs at Borno State Nigeria sponsored by WHO and also a project of an international Hospital in Benue State or Plateau State.
We  also want to cover all the 36 States with Health facilities looking forward to reach other targets out of Nigeria as i have made mention .

Thanks very much  Dr. Djibrine Kadjiam and i pray the world join you in this great humanitarian campaign.
Re; You are welcome and God Bless you.


 Representatives of Medecins Aux Tours de la Terre Worldwide


Dr. Naima Ibrahim 
Representative in Morocco 

Dr. Haoua Adoum
Representative in Tchad  

Miss Houogabe Merielle Palai
Representative in Cameroon


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