OUR VISION 

Medecins Aux Tours de la Terre is an International Non-Profitable Humanitarian outfit, which has devoted objectives to assist humanity. Our interest has no boundary and racial equality is most respected. Eradicating poor health , malnutrition and child protection is much of our primary interest. The Organization delivers primary health and emergency health response to Refugees,Asylum Seekers, Internally Displaced Persons and Local Communities. We see working together as a team been a vital step to better the lives and future by helping others. In future, every child and mother will not be excluded from primary health, well being and welfare, as groups of humanitarians including ourselves are working to see this dream fulfilled.  

                                                                   Ebola Outbreak 

 Medecins Aux Tours de la Terre assembled 120 Doctors and Nurses from all over Africa in August 2014 to respond to the Ebola Outbreak. These medical personals receive internship program as regards epidemic for a 45 day work shop in Nigeria. The team was employed to the affected countries of Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea. The Organization partook in this campaign for 6 months. We recorded no deaths or infection of our team members.
                                                                  IDPs in Borno State.
Medecins Aux Tours de la Terre served the children, adolescent,pregnant women/lactating women across the 13 IDPs Camps in Maiduguri. While on this mission, primary health support, water and sanitarian included with material relief was donated to these IDPs. The Organization after several census noticed every challenge faced by this mention population. Our mission to attended 4 months after it started and the Organization is visiting these IDPs from January 2016 to December 2016 on a Second Humanitarian Response Project.
                                                                   Refugees and Asylum Seekers
Medecins Aux Tours de la Terre through the special assistance of Governments , Organizations and Philanthropist and Missionaries, is rendering special support to Refugees and Asylum Seekers. Most of these has been materials such as Generators,Grinding Machines, Sewing Machines, Fridges, just to name a few. We have seen , helping this persons with these livelihood support will give them a path to raising revenue for themselves. The lives of most of these families are been improve and the nightmare of hunger and inability to satisfy their wants has been eradicated. MTT hope to extend this platform to the entire world.




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