EXECUTIVE SUMMARY MEDECINS AUX TOURS DE LA TERRE (MTT)


First in the history of Africa, MEDECINS AUX TOURS DE LA TERRE (MTT) is the first independent African international organization, a medical humanitarian, which provides emergency assistance to children and women especially those affected by Ebola outbreaks, Armed Conflict, Epidemics, Natural Disasters and those Excluded from Healthcare.

MEDECINS AUX TOURS DE LA TERRE (MTT)  Offers assistance to Refugees, Asylum Seekers and Internally Displaced persons (Women and Children) ,providing them with basic needs as ; Drugs, Foods, Tents, Plastic-mats, Blankets, Mosquito-nets irrespective of race, gender, or political affiliation. .

                                                                                        HISTORY OF THE ORGANIZATION

MEDECINS AUX TOURS DE LA TERRE (MTT) was founded on the 8th of August, 2014 in Abuja – Nigeria by a group of African Doctors, include ; military Doctors retired from the service of the army, Cardiologists, Surgeons, Gynecologists, Pharmacists, Laboratories, Nurses and Midwives, Technicians and Logistics Experts, Scientists, Sanitation and Water Engineers, Administrators, and other related support staff.

The Organization took upon the initiative that Africa is competent and must not only wait for the Western Nations and Eastern Nations to run aid in Africa when Humanitarian Crises arrive. It believed in one world and one faith, the children who are too destined to build the world. Children are been allowed to perish from the earth as IDPs, Refugees and Asylum Seekers. If these children are cared for, protected and given hope together we can make the world a better place. The Organization has always preach that every child is made in God's image and deserve to live free and be proud of his/her birth. The world is a only free if every child is not be excluded from health support and basic needs.

The Organization which was greatly founded by Prince Dr. Djibrine Ibrahim Kadjiam, aim at creating an independent Organization which will focus on providing emergency health care assistance to women and children from as Refugees and Asylum seekers, Internally Displaced Persons and Local communities. Three thousand Doctors and four thousand Nurses and a number of volunteers have contributed a lot in the composition of the Organization. Our prompt medical ethics and the principles of neutrality and impartiality are guiding our actions.

The first task of the Organization MEDECINS AUX TOURS DE LA TERRE responded to the Global response for Ebola Outbreaks and participate with (40) Forty Doctors and Nurses to each of the affected African countries as Sierra Leone, Liberia and Guinea. The Ebola outbreak disease killed about 10,879 people in West Africa and the whole world.

The Organization on its second mission, visited  Borno State- Northern Nigeria  and accessed to the 13 camps of the Internally Displaced Persons  providing medical assistance and livelihood support to  the women and children  with basic needs such as ; Drugs, Foods, Tents, plastic-mats, blankets, mosquito nets. We supplied water on daily bases to the IDPs which was distributed through water tankers. The Borno area is full of dry land which suffers from scarcity of water.

MEDECINS AUX TOURS DE LA TERRE is ready to set a presence in whole world as its interest knows no boundary or race or belief. It visions extending its missions to every part of the world affected by armed conflicts, natural disasters, epidemics, medical Response of which a humanitarian outfit is needed. The see our steps visiting and supporting the IDPs and Refugees in countries such as; Gaza-Palestine, Syria, Afghanistan, Central African Republic, South Sudan, and Easter (Darfur) of Northern Sudan, Somali and other countries.

MEDECINS AUX TOURS DE LA TERRE (MTT) remains fiercely independent of both the Government and Political institutions. We also reserve the right to speak out and draw attention to neglected crisis, challenge failure or misuse of aid system, and to advocate for improved medical treatments.

 The Protocol Charter of the MEDECINS AUX TOURS DE LA TERRE (MTT) explains it being a Private and Non-Governmental International Organization mainly comprising of Doctors and workers in the health sector, which is also open to all other professions that might help in achieving its objectives. All members agree to honor the following principles: Provide assistance to the affected population, the victims of natural disaster or armed conflict, regardless of race, religion or creed or political convictions.

Our volunteers adhere neutrality and impartiality of the global medical ethics and the right to humanitarian assistance and to demand a full and unhindered freedom in the exercise of its functions. -Members pledge to respect the rules and code of conducts of the professionalism and maintain complete independence from all political forces, economic or religious. Volunteers understand the risk and danger to the missions, we carry out, and MTT will bear all responsibility and costs for any type of damage to the volunteers in any form of compensation. 

Medical Ethics MEDECINS AUX TOURS DE LA TERRE (MTT) (Doctors around Earth) will be first and foremost an international and independent medical organization. We carry our work by strictly adhering to the rules of ethics of the medical profession; Particularly our duty is to provide care without causing harm to individuals or groups. We respect the independence and privacy of patients, with their right to informed consent. We treat our patients with dignity, and respect for cultural and religious beliefs. 

According to these principles, MEDECINS AUX TOURS DE LA TERRE (MTT) seeks medical care for the provision of high quality for all patients. Our decision is based on best to providing assistance in any country in crisis on independent assessment of the needs of the people. We strive to ensure that we have the ability to freely assess the medical needs, and access to the population without restriction and control directly from our assistance and making it easier for our independence and policy is that we agree to take any help offered to us without conditions or political pressure.

We may seek to draw attention to the need for severe and unacceptable suffering when impede access to medical care for the Rescue of life, and when medical facilities under threat, and when the crisis are ignored or when the aid is inadequate or ill-treated. Medical teams often witness violence and neglect it in the course of their work largely in regions that receive scant international attention at times.

We may speak publicly in an attempt to bring public attention to the crisis of the forgotten, and to alert the public to the violations that occur behind the headlines and to criticize the inadequacies of the aid system, or to challenge the decision of humanitarian aid for political interests. 

MTT is committed to regularly evacuating the effects of its activities. We assume the responsibility of accounting for our actions to our patients and donors.  We have all the professional staff and volunteers who choose to work for the Organization, because of the commitment and concern for people’s health and survival. We recruit and engage volunteers 70% in countries where the program is, working together with our international staff.

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